After the exciting progress made in May, the reality was that various issues were identified during another steam test on the 5th of June, where pressure was raised to 120psi. Project 62 has been fortunate in that we have not had that many setbacks, however two big issues were identified after this latest steam test.
Injector Issues - The left injector on 30075 was found not to be working correctly. During the steam test it was identified that it needed close inspection. It became apparent that it needed specialist review by Vincent Engineering, and from there it became clear that the injector itself would need replacement. Injectors for specific locomotives are not cheap, and are usually bespoke items that require the work of an artisan. As an example, the locomotive 'Blue Peter' required an injector to be built from scratch, which cost in the region of £15000! After searching and scouring the country, the team found a supplier who was willing to undertake the required works for considerably less, however the bespoke works will still cost in the region of £4500. Money for this was donated by an anonymous donor, for which we are very grateful. The required works are in the process of being undertaken.
Clack Valves - A non return valve (Clack Valve) is required to ensure the unidirectional flow of water. We have had leaks on our clack valves and these have deemed to need replacement. This, will cost us £500 to have recast / rebuilt, but obviously are quite an essential bit of equipment for the running of the locomotive.
General other works in june included;
Fabrication of steps for the front of the locomotive, which will be fitted to the locomotive, which will give access to the top of the water tanks
The side tanks were lifted off the frame, so that the last of the cladding could be fitted to the underside of the boiler.

Photo Credit - Russell Newman